When to go to urgent care might be a difficult choice. You got hurt, or have a flu. You fell, and your knee doesn’t feel right. Or it’s late evening. And your medical doctor’s office is closed. It’s not easy to determine when to go to urgent care. You’re pressed by time. However, your injury is not life-threatening. You also require immediate medical attention. Therefore, you may search the internet ‘urgent care near me.’
Should you live in the North-West GTA you could also search for ‘urgent care Brampton’
After you find our urgent care clinic you might ask yourself: will I be turned away? Below are some common reasons you’d choose an urgent care clinic:
– most bleeding (lacerations)
– flu, cold symptoms, muscle strain, chest congestion, infection
– you’ve hurt a limb, or other body part, but it’s not life-threatening
– your injury or pain, such as chest pain is from a workout
– your doctor’s office is closed
– some emergencies are handled only by the hospitals ER, such as: severe pain, severe bleeding, poisoning, loss of consciousness, suspected overdose, shortness of breath, head trauma, loss of vision, severe migraines
– examined by qualified medical staff with proper equipment
– no appointment needed
– your waiting time is minimum
– you’re not sure if the hospital emergency room will turn you away
– you’re not sure if your pain is minor or more intense
They represent the most cases patients visit an urgent care clinic. They could also help you decide when to go to urgent care.